Pilates Easing Back Pain


Most of us know someone living with back pain. I feel like we have gotten to a point where it’s just a part of the fabric of being a human. But back pain should not be an inevitability.

Americans with back injuries are as common as football and grocery stores. Unfortunately, go-to solutions, such as prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines, are simply a band-aid fix, and we have found that they aren’t cutting it. People want to get to the root of the problem and solve it from the inside out.

There’s a cost for living with back pain. When you have back problems, you often live with a host of other problems. What you need is a qualified professional whose sole focus is to help build strength in the areas surrounding your spine so that your spine can do its job with more ease. This builds balance in the body and takes the pressure off the affected area by focusing on the core, glutes, and muscles around your spine, or what the Pilates world refers to as the “Powerhouse.”

Now, we know that the world applauds hectic schedules; you’re busy, and who has the time to add one more thing to their plate? But, when it comes to your spine and the quality of your back pain is robbing from you, it pays to take care of the problem the right way, as soon as possible.
That means you need to have three tools in your toolbox to begin to address the issue skillfully:

3 Non Negotiables for Easing Back Pain

1. Work with someone who knows what they’re doing. At-home programs are convenient, but you don’t want to settle for convenience when it comes to back health. If you choose to work with a certified professional, your results will come more quickly and are deeply customized. An experienced, trained instructor can teach you what you need to know to establish a routine you can continue at home once you’ve reached stability within the studio. And finally, when you work with a professional in a studio, you have access to…

2. The equipment. Pilates on the mat is effective and challenging, but it’s just the beginning. There is an array of apparatus waiting for you inside a Pilates studio, all of which serve a different purpose. You won’t know what’s best for you until you explore each under expert guidance. Spend some time in the Pilates playground to find out!

3. You know how back pain is chronic? You have to be just as consistent in your training plan to eliminate it. Your commitment to the program will determine how quickly and fully you recover. We aren’t suggesting training, but consistency is key. This is not a one-and-done approach. It may take some time. The time will pass anyway; spend it building strength and ease.

The beauty of Pilates is you don’t need to wait until you feel better before beginning lessons. This is supported by experts at Arthritis Research UK, who say: “Stay active! Staying in bed makes it harder to get going. Gradually increase your normal activities and do regular exercise.” Such as Pilates!

Along with eliminating back pain, Pilates brings fantastic visible benefits, including:

  • improved muscle tone

  • flexible, healthy muscles and joints

  • improved posture

  • more graceful, agile, easy movement

  • improved digestion

  • a flatter, firmer stomach

  • taller appearance due to improved posture

  • a more athletic, healthy body

  • healthier, happier mind

  • healthier, better-functioning internal organs

  • improved balance and coordination

  • a renewed zest for life!

Joseph Pilates used to say, “Look after your body, for it is where you will always live.” No one wants to live in a house of pain – pardon the pun – but isn’t it true? Every day, we help people overcome a whole range of painful back problems, and those people say they are stronger, healthier, and happier than ever before. And if you’re one of those lucky people living without pain, we can help prevent you from ever getting pain in the future.


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